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Thomas Ketchum has been involved in providing professional services to business clients for years. He was responsible for small business development for PRResource an online payroll company that assisted various companies with payroll and HR solutions.
He has also workes as a Small Business Consultant for CSB Consulting where he was tasked with developing strategic grantmaking initiatives, facilitating learning communities within various sectors and strenthening cross =sector partnerships.
Ketchum is a BPI Certified Auditor which evaluates the overall conditions of a home and identify energy related issues at the source. He uses building science knowledge and diagnostic tests to assess the homes eneergy use and make recommendations for energy efficiency improvements.
He also holds a certification for Hazerdous Waste Operation and Emergency Response as well as a certification for EPA Lead Safe Renovation Repair.
Thomas Ketchum has an Associates of Arts Degree in Building and Construction from South Suburban College in South Holland, IL.